- Unless otherwise specified, my photos are covered under a Creative Commons license. Details are available at: https://www.sindark.com/projects/copyright-info/ and http://www.sindark.com/NonBlog/milan-ilnyckyj-photo-0-5.pdf
- My standard procedure is to put my photos on Flickr for portfolio development. I get most of my clients on the basis of the work shown there, and it’s always desirable to be able to show a broad range of subjects and photographic styles. If you don’t want your photos used for portfolio development, we can negotiate a higher hourly rate.
- I love photography for the art and craft of it, so if you have an interesting concept for a project all my normal rules may be negotiable. I have a lot of experience with projects not meant for public distribution.
- Love doesn’t pay my rent, or web hosting costs, or for gear replacement. If you have dollars to throw around, please throw some toward my rent, whether we’re making art or not.
- My general policy is to reflexively resist all calls for censorship, regardless of the merit of your argument. The freedom to record history through photography is more important than individual vanity.
Last updated: 30 June 2019